Monday, June 21, 2010

Good Mommy Monday

Today, I want to dedicate my Monday post to some of the funny, sweet and special things my daughter says and does. It isn't so much about me as a Mommy. Rather, it is just a good way to record the everyday humor that happens in the house with a two-year-old. I always think I am going to remember every little moment but I know that unless I write down the milestones, they will become fuzzy. I used to think my mom had a really bad memory for my childhood. She claims she can't remember if I crawled! How can you forget that, right? Well, I now know that it is so easy to forget all the details. Mom brain will do that to you every time. So, I am going to do my best to try to remember some cute things my very precocious two year old has said recently.

* A few months ago, we went to the furniture store to buy a new big girl bed. As we are checking out, my daughter says to the salesman, "I want to pick my nose!"

* When I told her we were going to a place with a merry-go-round, she asked, "You have money, Mommy?" She knows I never have any change for the rides at the mall.

* She has been insisting we call her Dora. We also get in trouble if we don't call her little brother Boots the Monkey

* She is afraid of flushing toilets in public. So, next time you go into a bathroom at a restaurant and it hasn't been flushed, it might have been us. I have to promise her we won't flush it in order to get her to use the potty in public.

* Sometimes when she is frustrated, she will throw the toy that is making her mad. She usually announces it first, "I want to throw this toy!"

* When on vacation in Tennessee, we saw a bear in the woods. She told us, "Bears are very wild. Bears are very nice" My husband told her that bears are mean. She insisted, "No, bears are very nice. They might bite you. Bears are very nice."

* When singing Old McDonald with my husband before bed, he let her pick out which animal to sing about next. So, he sang, "Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, and on that farm he had a ....." "A toot! " She exclaimed and laughed at how funny she was.

* At least 5 times a day, she says, "I love you SO much, Mommy!" And then she gives me a huge hug and kiss. That is the best feeling in the whole world and makes being a Mom the best job I could ever have

To be soon as I remember what else I wanted to write.

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