Friday, June 11, 2010


Well, I finally did it. I finally created a blog. Over the last few years, I have become one of those blog stalkers. You know, one of those people who checks my Google Reader maybe 50 times a day. I guess this is a good time to start the confessing. A few nights ago, when my son woke for his middle of the night feeding, I actually took my phone with me so I could read blogs while nursing him. In my defense, I have been closely following a blog about a family whose newborn son was undergoing heart surgery, and I was really hoping for an update on his condition. But still, pretty embarrassing. I am obsessed. So naturally, I find myself narrating about my day to myself, imagining how I might record my experiences in my non-exsistent blog. I just could never actually start a blog about myself because I wasn't sure it was interesting enough. But there is one thing I find interesting - discovering other mom's aren't perfect either. So, I decided my blog wasn't just going to be a place to record my everyday life and the funny things my kids do. Instead, this blog is a place for me to write down all of my confessions as a mommy, in hopes that other moms might see themselves in my imperfections. And then, we can all know that even though it may appear that all of the other moms have it together, they probably don't either.


  1. I am so excited to read your blog Emmy! I feel that way too, that everyone seems to have it together and I'm the only one that doesn't. I know this probably is not true, but it is hard to not feel that way. Thanks for confessing!


  2. Actually, Emmy, I want a secret blog! No family reading. No way my kids would read later on. Then I could really tell all! Otherwise I'm too big of a chicken. So you've already got it more 'together' than me!

  3. Yeah, Emmy!!

    I spend my day walking around "composing" in my head as well... mine just never make it to "paper" anymore! I'm redesigning SuperJenn and its going to be a journal for me for a while...for just these reasons!! I'm excited to add you to my reads :) (BTW... I totally read my phone in the middle of the night...whether its blogs, email or the *ahem* literary pieces I find on my Kindle :) )
